Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1.1 The Study of Biology

Learning Objective - Understanding the study of Biology
Learning Outcomes - A student is able to :

  • state what the study of Biology is,
  • explain the importance of Biology,
  • list the different fields of study in Biology,
  • list the careers related to Biology,
  • state various ways of studying Biology.
The Study of Biology

Biology is the study of life or living organisms.
bios - life
logy - (original: logos) which means study.
The organised study of living things as well as their interactions with one another and the environment.

The importance of biology :
  • Enables us to understand life
  • Helps us to understand how each species fit into the dynamic pattern of life on Earth
  • Helps us in managing the natural resources
  • Enables the discovery of many important advances in biotechnology, medicine and genetic engineering
Benefits of biological research include :
  • Better understanding on the functions of human body.
  • Better understanding on the causes of diseases and its cure.
  • better understanding on ecology and hence improve the management of problems related to the environment.
  • Saving animal and plant species which are facing extinction.

Fields of study in Biology :

Careers related to Biology :

  • In fieldwork such as ecological researcher
  • In laboratory work such as testing of products, quality control of pharmaceutical and health care products
  • In health care such as radiographers, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses, optician, doctors and surgeons.

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