Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3.1 Movement of Substances Across The Plasma Membrane

Learning Objective:

Analysing the movement of substances across the plasma membrane

Learning Outcomes :
At the end, a student is able to:

  • state the substances required by living cells,
  • state the substances that have to be eliminated from cells,
  • explain the necessity for movement of substances across the plasma membrane,
  • describe the structure of the plasma membrane

Substances Transported Into (Enter) The Cells :
  1. Oxygen
  2. Digested food substances :
  • Glucose
  • Amino acid
  • Glycerol
  • Fatty acid
Substances Eliminated From (Leave) the Cells :
  1. Waste products from metabolic processes :
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Urea
  • Lactic acid
  • Excess water
Necessity for Movement of Substances Across The Plasma Membrane
  1. A cell is surrounded by a plasma membrane that separates it from the outer environment.
  2. For cellular activities to be carried out, the cell has to move substances into and out of the cell.
  3. Movement of substances into or out of a cell is important to :
  • provide nutrients for metabolism and growth
  • supply oxygen for respiration
  • regulate solute concentration and suitable pH for maintaining a stable internal environment for optimal enzymatic activities
  • maintain an ion concentration gradient required for nerve and muscle cell activities
  • secrete useful substances, for example, digestive enzymes and hormones
  • eliminate toxic waste products such as urea and carbon dioxide
The Structure of the Plasma Membrane

  1. The fluid-mosaic model proposes that the plasma membrane consists of protein molecules scattered in a mosaic pattern on a fluid bilayer of phospholipids molecules.
  2. The phospholipid bilayer have different solubility properties of the two ends of phospholipid molecules.
  3. There are various types of protein which are either partially or fully embedded in the membrane. Pore proteins forms a channel (allow small molecules, either polar or non-polar, to pass through freely) whereas carrier protein acts as a carrier (attach to specific glucose molecules, before transporting the molecules across the plasma membrane).
  4. Cholesterol molecules help to stabilise the structure of the plasma membrane.
  5. The phospholipid bilayer, proteins and other components are not rigid or static but form a dynamic and flexible structure.

1.2 Scientific Investigation

Scientific Investigation / Scientific Method

Gambar hanyalah hiasan

Scientific method is a body of technique of acquiring knowledge about the nature and its phenomena.

Basics Steps of Scientific Investigation

1. Identifying problem
2. Making hypothesis
3. Planning the investigation
4. Identifying and Controlling Variable
5. Conducting the experiment
6. Collecting and recording data
7. Analysing and interpreting data
8. Making conclusion
9. Preparing the report

Objective :
  • State the aim of the experiment.
Problem Statement :
  • Pose questions about the observations made.
Hypothesis :
  • Formulate a possible explanation or prediction based on the observations
# Hypothesis is a suggested explanation for a specific phenomenon.

Variables :
  • Identify and control the manipulated, responding and fixed (controlled) variables.
# Variable is a quantity whose value may change in an experiment. It is the parameter that may influence the outcome of an experiment or the data been collected in the experiment.

Materials & Apparatus :
  • List the materials and apparatus which will be and used during the experiment.
Technique :
  • State the technique involved in obtaining the results.

Gambar hanyalah hiasan

Procedure :

  1. Write the instructions to carry out the experiment.
  2. The procedures should be written using reported speech. For example, 'Examine the slide under the microscope' should be written as 'The slide is examined under the microscope'.
  3. Diagrams can be drawn to show the set-up of the experiment. They should be simple and two-dimensional. The apparatus should be drawn with a clear outline and labelled accordingly

Gambar hanyalah hiasan

Results :
  • Present the results in the form of simple diagrams, charts, graphs or tables. Include calculations where necessary.
Discussion :
  • Discuss, analyse and intepret the data obtained, then determine the relationship between the manipulated
Conclusion :
  • Draw a conclusion based on the hypothesis given earlier.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1.1 The Study of Biology

Learning Objective - Understanding the study of Biology
Learning Outcomes - A student is able to :

  • state what the study of Biology is,
  • explain the importance of Biology,
  • list the different fields of study in Biology,
  • list the careers related to Biology,
  • state various ways of studying Biology.
The Study of Biology

Biology is the study of life or living organisms.
bios - life
logy - (original: logos) which means study.
The organised study of living things as well as their interactions with one another and the environment.

The importance of biology :
  • Enables us to understand life
  • Helps us to understand how each species fit into the dynamic pattern of life on Earth
  • Helps us in managing the natural resources
  • Enables the discovery of many important advances in biotechnology, medicine and genetic engineering
Benefits of biological research include :
  • Better understanding on the functions of human body.
  • Better understanding on the causes of diseases and its cure.
  • better understanding on ecology and hence improve the management of problems related to the environment.
  • Saving animal and plant species which are facing extinction.

Fields of study in Biology :

Careers related to Biology :

  • In fieldwork such as ecological researcher
  • In laboratory work such as testing of products, quality control of pharmaceutical and health care products
  • In health care such as radiographers, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, nurses, optician, doctors and surgeons.